
I was born, raised and got my Degree as a Kindergarten teacher in Switzerland. 30 years ago, Eric and I were married and emigrated to Canada. I worked in the ECE field ever since, either as a teacher or as a Mom to Marc and Nisha, now 23 and 21. 15 years ago I started to give workshops throughout the Vancouver area to ECE workers, students, various parent groups and worked at the local University College of the Fraser Valley part-time as a sessional in the ECE department for a few years.

Children are my passion and toys are my hobby.

After much encouragement I have finally put my ideas, thoughts and experiences into "Learn to Play - Play to Learn."

It is my belief that the potential within the child is much greater than we could ever imagine. It is my hope to make a difference for the children and to awaken a new love and excitement for all people working with children. It is truly one of the greatest jobs to raise our next generation. It is my wish to create an awareness that too much TV watching is not only unwholesome for children but squanders a lot of valuable time at a critical age that will never return. We can make a difference that will help build a good foundation for life.

I have a special love for parents who make a commitment and take child rearing seriously. If I can help put more joy, fun and at the same time some concept learning into this process for them I will have succeeded. I can boldly say I loved being a Mom. I was very privileged that I did not have to work full-time outside of the home, and was able to keep in touch with my profession.

With this book I hope to put more importance on child rearing and encourage young mothers (or fathers) to stay at home, especially in the early years if at all possible. I am very encouraged to see a strong movement back to this and hope that eventually society will give it the importance it deserves.

The combination of my own childhood, raising our own family, the thorough education Switzerland gave me, the great opportunity Canada provided me with, as well as God's unfailing guidance brought this book about.

If you have any comments or questions please contact the webmaster Marc at "marc at munzer dot net".